While a glass of red wine a day has proven to be heart healthy, regulate blood sugar, and fight of sickness (even cancer!) research has found that the same properties can also be absorbed topically through the skin. Bath of red wine with lunch anyone?
Polyphenols keep blood vessels active and flexible which can prevent a host of foot problems such as, neuropathy, varicose veins and even diabetic ulcers.
Piceatannol is a compound created in our bodies when resveratrol a primary antioxidant in wine is broken down. Studies show that piceatannol actually binds to insulin receptors in immature fat cells inhibiting their growth, so not only is vinotherapy relaxing but you may come out slimmer too!
Studies have shown the Resveratrol is no slacker either, not only is the antioxidant packed chemical great at boosting brain power but it has been shown to fight infection and boost immunities against free radicals. Even those thought to be cancer causing. Scientists at the University of Virginia have dosed human cancer cells with resveratrol and found that the compound inhibited the key action of a cancer-feeding protein.